Allison remembered the English and viet word for clap hands! She did it when I said it in both languages.
She can give kisses on demand on our cheeks when we tell her to. She'll make the sound "mmmuah!"
I gave her a snack of cheese and crackers. She only wanted the crackers (no surprise there). I thought I could trick her by melting the cheese onto the cracker. But then she peeled it off O_O.
She can climbed over the boxed borders all on her own now, to go inside or outside of the play area. She'll put one leg up, hoist her body over it to be on top, then knows how to twist her legs down to the other side. It's kinda cute. I let her walk around the house wherever she wants (closing the bathroom and master bedroom doors). I figure that I rather let her be free and explore so that she can let her curiosity be. Then things won't seem as grand bc she never had access to it before.