Monday, August 31, 2015

New school.. No problem

This morning was her first day at her new school. As much as we and she loved her old school, this one is closer, cheaper and has more flexible hours.

Drop off this morning went smoothly. She's a happy girl, very friendly to everyone and excited by the new environment.

She had no problem saying goodbye to me. They will give her a week to get familiar with place then start potty training ASAP (I didn't even have to ask).

Another parent I know who's kid is in her class saw her there and told me she is doing well. As if she had been there for months. She transitions to new environments so easily, thank God.

Also she enjoys the stroller ride to school, loves to observe the outdoors. So being nearby helps to save on car gas as well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Phrases and anecdotes

. Mommy, whatcha doing?
. Oh no, what happened? (says this a lot when something is wrong).. Example when a classmate started crying.
. Ooh, what's this? (when she saw something new at the home)
. Open wiiide (when feeding me cheerios)
. I'm so cute (I tell her she's cute all the time)
. I'm so heavy (after taking out of bath tub).. I said this twice and now she says it every time.
. Be careful..  Even saying this to a soap bottle when it almost lost balance
. Don't moOove~
. I like cheese.

~Funny stories
Tom was busy for a while changing light fixtures in the living room. A started to miss him. She calls out for daddy.. "daddy help open [milk]". I proceed to help her open it and she says with such fierceness, "I SAID, DADDY!". I was floored with shock! What sass!

We went to a pool party at a friends apt. As we are about to enter and I tell her we are going to a pool, she says, "I'm so happy". Same thing when I was about to give her ice cream.

A boy was playing with her arms and feet while in the pool. He lift her feet up and it bends 90° to her body. She says, "no feet, put it back". HAHAAh.

Daddy: "do you love me?"
A: "Okay"
Daddy: "do you love mommy?"
A: "Yes!" =)

~Other memories
She had so much fun with chi Alyna and bac ngoc. They stayed in the basement. After they left, she would motion to the basement and longingly call for them. She definitely remembers. Occasionally she would bring up Umma and gong gong.

She was a flower girl for aunt Mai's wedding. We didn't practice bowing much, and when it came time to do that, she inside crouched down to leave her basket on the floor. So cute, I have to out a video. Also right before entering the aisle, she had a meltdown to the floor. Miraculously, she switched off and resumed to walk down the aisle with big cousin Alyna in the sweetest way.

23 month update

Allison is 23 and a half months right now. She turns 2 years old very soon, in two weeks! She is a happy and independent  little girl, and loves social environments and new places.

She talks a lot and her vocabulary is growing by the week. She picks up very quickly from us and uses learned phrases to apply to her own situation and surroundings. I will put a separate post about phrases she has said.

Food wise, she has become a great eater with a big appetite. She shows interest in eating food that she sees and even trying new foods such as beans, hummus, kimchi, pickled veggies. She gets goldfish crackers at school occasionally and will regularly ask me for them. I try to keep her away from junk food and have sparingly given her ice cream, chocolate and cheeto chips. She loves cheese and milk.

Sleep wise, she is good for night time. Our bedtime ritual is very much a predictable routine, with bath time, brush teeth, book reading, then place in crib. She will sing and talk to herself for a while.. Kind of like digesting her day. It's funny to hear the random songs she'll sing or phrases she'll say, to herself, in the crib, in the dark. We stay in the room in the dark until she falls asleep on her own, then sneak out.

Nap time on the weekends with us, she will still only fall asleep in the stroller. Attempts to get her to nap in a kiddie air bed didn't work. I believe she fights her naps bc she doesn't want to miss out in anything, but the stroller does the trick every time. We still have to try because when winter comes, I really don't want to bring her outside for naps.

Potty training wise, we put her on the big potty in the am/pm, and if she has to go, she will pee on her own demand. Only very recently did she initiate the interest to sit on the potty to pee. Today, she was having a hard time going number two in her diaper, so I asked if she wanted to sit on the potty. She usually says no but today, she agreed. Lo and behold, she poo poo'ed in the potty! She was so proud and wanted to tell daddy. "look daddy, I went poo poo!" I am so so proud of her!

Development wise she knows her ABCs, can verbally count form 1-20, shapes (ovals, rectangle, diamond, star, octagon, hexagon),  animals, colors, etc. Next focus is on size (big, small), pronouns (you, me), ownership (mine, yours).

We are switching her to a new Preschool when she turns two, for economical and convenient reasons. We are going to miss her current school, where she loves and they love her. I hope the new school will be just as good.