Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Give me your normal poo

Allison has had diarrhea every day for two whole weeks now, ever since I gave her eggs one time. Doc gave me the green light after she turned one. I suspect that she has an intolerance rather than an allergy. We will be testing her for food allergies (milk, egg, food panel). Hope this will she'd some light. So yesterday she didn't have a bowel movements at all and then this morning, finally, a normal bowel movement. I had purchased probiotics yesterday to give to her but didn't have a chance to before the bowel movements got normal.

Transition to coconut is going slowly but surely. She takes one 8 Oz bottle during the day now. 2 oz of coconut milk for 2 week, now increased to 3 oz for another week or two. She fought the bottle a little at the beginning of the 3 oz week but this is just what we'll have to do to get her used to it.

I am still breastfeeding her in the mornings and evenings. I would like to wean by 18 months. To do that, she has to be able to drink 100% of coconut milk. Then that can be served during the day and evening. I am more nervous about weaning the morning session. It helps us all to get extra sleep bc she wakes at 4:30am 8 hrs sleep from 8:30 pm) .

Yesterday we eliminated the nursing that happens during bedtime itself. I thought it was a requirement for her to get drowsy. But it seems that as long as she is tired, she will go down as long as Tom is there to pat her away to sleep. I can't do it bc she will just want to be close to me. Tom left the room after 5 mins and she only cried for a few seconds before sleeping. I am so proud of her!!!

By the way, at one years old, she only needs a total of 16 oz of milk a day.

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