Anyway, if I had to summarize this pregnancy, I would say that it has been pretty good, even with GD. I didn't have any nausea or cravings, weight gain has been pretty steady and normal (27 lbs total gain), ultrasounds on the baby showed that all the body parts were in good shape and baby's growth size has been on normal track (estimated 7 lbs 8 oz). The 2 major tests at the beginning, Level 1 sono (@ 3months) and Level 2 sono (@ 4 months) which gives the probability of the baby having birth defects, gave us extremely good results, something which we were very anxious about. Just to give you an idea:
- The cut off point for the risk of getting Down Syndrome is 1 in 270. So if I got a number less than 270, the baby would have a high chances of getting that. Our results were 1 in 38,500.
- The cut off point for the risk of getting Trisomy 18 is 1 in 100. This is actually what got us last time. Our results this time was <1 in 10,000.
- The cut off point for the risk of getting Open Spina Bifida is 1 in 104. Our results were 1 in 1790.
We sincerely give all glory and praise to God for this gift of life that He has created and sustained in good health so far.
praise God indeed!!