The evening of Sunday, Sept 1, was the last full night of sleep I would have in a while. I wasn't too nervous about what would happen the next day. It's because I really didn't know what to expect therefore it was hard for me to conceptualize. The best way to explain this is like going on a trip to a destination you have only heard or read about. For me, the thought of being there doesn't even begin to sink in until I'm at the airport; that is, after all the logistics of packing, getting to the airport, making arrangements, etc. Even while at the airport, there's still a long waiting period until I finally reach my destination. Then the excitement can really start.
We arrive at the hospital on Tues, Sept 2 at 10:30 am. After all the logistics of signing in, paper work, being checked and prepped, I was induced at 1 pm with the medicine called Cervidil. I wasn't allowed to eat solids anymore so as the hours passed, I got weaker. I was encouraged to walk around since that will speed up labor, but I could only do so for up to 15 minutes because I was so weak. For the remaining duration of the day, I saw little signs of progress. I did have lower back pain and a little bleeding, which is a good sign meaning that my cervix was opening. However I didn't feel any major contractions and was worried that labor might take much longer than the average 15 hrs which may require further intervention. Closer to 12 am midnight, I had 2 contractions which hurt and then another 2 which really hurt. By then I was ready to get any help that I could (drugs) but it could only be done if there has been progress. At 1 am the next day (12 hours later from being induced), I was checked by the PA and hooray, I was 3.5 cm dilated! I called for the epidural right away and that was inserted without too much trouble, thanks to the numbing agent.
By 4 am (only 3 hours later) I was 9 cm dilated!! Only 1 more 1 cm to go and I would be ready to deliver. The staff called my doctor, who instructed them to manually break my water (not much gushed out).
It took until 6:30 am for me to get to 10 cm. From then on I pushed for 2 whole hours. I had no idea what pushing would be like. With each contraction, I had to take a deep breath and push really hard as if having a bowel movement. This had to be done 3 times for each contraction, which happens every few minutes. There were times I pushed effectively (concentrated down there), and times that I did not (concentrated in my face). I think 2 hours was longer than what it could have been but I am still proud of how I did. Tom was there the whole time encouraging me.
The final push, at 8:40 am, which I thought would never come, was such a relief. I felt the baby's head come out and then the rest of the body. They placed her on a sterile paper right on my stomach, took her to be cleaned, and then because I was still on the bed for post-processing, Tom got to hold her first. The baby's first cry was good, but what surprised us the most is that she didn't cry much afterwards! As Tom held her, both eyes were open, she was alert, and was totally calm. It was amazing. After I was done with the placenta removal and being stitched up from the episiotomy cut, I got to hold her and start breastfeeding. She had a great latch from the very beginning :)
So all in all, I had a 17 hour labor, of which 2 hours was pushing. It was a vaginal delivery with epidural and a preemptive episiotomy cut.
So all in all, I had a 17 hour labor, of which 2 hours was pushing. It was a vaginal delivery with epidural and a preemptive episiotomy cut.
Shortly after birth, still in the labor and delivery room.
awwwww look at those faces. fantastic job, Lee family!
ReplyDeleteThank for sharing the hour-by-hour lowdown! we really need to know...
ReplyDeletelol at the way Ally is looking at Tom