Thursday, November 7, 2013

Month 2 Updates

So much has been going on, here are some updates since the last time:

  • As of Nov 3, Allison is 2 months old! I have not had a chance to take her official 2 month photos, will do soon. As of Nov 5, Allison is 9 weeks old. 
  • Some changes we are making: baby will no longer wear gloves. I kept them on to prevent her from poking her eyes out but she seems to be better about it. Having gloves on harbors bacteria and creates a moist environment inside and creates finger "jam". I can no longer leave her on the changing table unsupervised. I do that to go to the bathroom nearby to wash hands but I can''t risk that anymore b/c if she rolls off the table, I will never forgive myself for something avoidable. 
  • I am starting to freeze breast milk into bags for later use. They will come in handy in the future when I stop nursing (and probably for back to work tho I have to figure that out). I have started to take an herbal supplement called fenugreek which is supposed to increase milk supply. I am easing into it by taking low dose and will increase later. Let's see if it works. 
  • The diaper rash that has been persisting for several weeks turns out to be a fungus, so the pediatrician has prescribed an ointment to take care of it. This rash has pimples on it. 
  • Friends have been visiting to meet the baby and it has been nice for me to see my friends again and catch up with them. 
  • Tom and I were able to enjoy a fun day away from the baby by attending our friend's wedding in Jersey City. It was nice dressing up and being among our friends. I didn't miss the baby too much during the day but when I got home, I really did miss her. I got home just in time to pump 9 oz of milk that had been accumulating the 9 hours I was away. Thanks to auntie Tina and uncle Salom for watching Allison!
Nov 4 was the baby's 2 month checkup with her pediatrician. The baby is now weighing in at 11 lb 11 oz.! That is up from 9 lbs 3 oz just a month ago! She is at the 70 percentile in weight, which is high! I really hope she can finish the big box of size 1 diapers that I still have.

During this checkup, Allison also received 6 vaccinations. I thought it was going to mean 6 needle shots and was not looking forward to seeing the baby have to endure that. Luckily it translated to 3 needle shots and 1 oral dose, because some were combined. Once that was over, I rushed her back home to comfort her with nursing. Possible side effects of such shots is fussiness and fever. Luckily she has not gotten a fever. She was fussy that evening, fine that overnight and next day, but very fussy the evening 2 days after. Also she has been having a low appetite, not eating as much. Dr said it should return to normal in a few days. 

Since it is cold season, I have been trying to take extra precautions to prevent the baby from catching a cold. Technically we are now allowed to take her to public, enclosed spaces such as church, stores, restaurants but I am afraid she may catch a cold from the air. Dr says not really, as long as people who are sick are not touching/sneezing/coughing on her. I worry about Tom getting sick since he goes to work and has a greater chance of catching a cold from a co-worker or on the train. However, I have gotten a cold!!! It started as a sore throat and is still mild. Likely from when I went outside to go to the pediatrician. It seems my immune system isn't strong, probably from interrupted sleep. During the day I haven't been napping recently because I don't feel tired, but maybe I am getting used to it now and not feeling tired even though my body really IS tired. Who knows, I'm just frustrated that I am sick, because I am the one that has to be closest to the baby. Dr. says that if she catches a cold, if it is just coughing and runny nose, otherwise happy baby, to let it run its course (put on humidifier, suck out snot). However if it becomes congestion of lungs, and she looks sickly, to bring her in. In order to minimize infecting the baby, I am wearing a mask, even though I am not quite coughing or sneezing yet. My mom is here to watch the baby more full time so that I can sleep during the day (she bottle feeds so that I can be hands off - all I have to do is eat, pump and sleep). I am so thankful for my mom. 

Finally, here are some cute pics I took of Allison. 

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