Friday, September 13, 2013

1 week checkup

We took Allison to her pediatrician for her 1 week checkup on Sept 9. She has been doing great! Her original birth weight was 7 lb 2 oz. It went down to 7 lb during the hospital stay but after 1 week, it is up to 7 lb 8 oz! That means that she gained weight, which is not usually the case with newborns! The ped confirmed that her eat, sleep, poop factors are good. He confirmed that what I have been doing is good - that is - during the day, feed every 2 - 3 hours (waking her up if I have to) and during the night, wait for her cue to feed (so that if her sleep stretches to 4 hours then so be it).

She got a Hep B vaccination shot and cried so loud it hurt me to see :( But I soothed her and she stopped crying shortly after. Getting the shot caused her to be more sleepy than normal that day. I don't look forward to future visits when she'll be getting 6+ vaccination shots!


  1. Makes total sense to go to dr. Park! You live right there!!

  2. The smallest person! (in the second photo)
